ENG. In this Summer I published my first book. I've been fascinated by the process of the book creation and publication in online stores and - how the book takes its way to the reader. (I translated some books into English). Spontaneously I decided to create my own book. I got many articles and photographs about Turkey - and I put everything into one book. Book description: Photobook which includes stories about Turkey and Antalya. Each story is added by photographs to give the reader perception of beauty of the nature in these places. This book is for easy, pleasant reading, for those who have already been or wished to travel to Turkey, where near comfortable resorts , old relics and monuments of architecture along with magnificence of Medieval Age exist. RUS. Этим летом я решилась опубликовать свою книгу. Меня увлек процесс создания книги и процесс публикации в интернет-магазинах и на инте...