
Сообщения за апрель, 2016

April Beauty

   ENG. In Spring our skin and hair need special care - cleansing and nutrition are definitely important in this season. Skin care products from AVON which I choose for Winter and Spring have the formula which, apart from every day care, fight with wrinkles and skin aging.    RUS. Весной наша кожа и волосы нуждаются в особом уходе - очищение и питание необходимы в это время как никогда. Средства по уходу для лица от AVON которые я выбрала для зимы и весны не только ухаживают и заботятся о коже - формула этих средств направлена на борьбу со старением и первыми морщинами.      The first skin care product is the cleansing water ANEW. It perfectly removes makeup and tone up the skin - you need not water if you use it before the night. This product is ideal for cold time of the year.      Первое средство в этом списке - вода для очищения лица ANEW - очищает, тонизирует, борется с возрастными изменениями. Хорошо удаляет макияж...

Advantages of Google+

     Some people ask me about advantages of Google +. Indeed, this platform for communication is much better than some others, if you know main features of it.  Actually, when I was a starter, I had difficulties with understanding how it works.       Now I mostly use "Mail" and "Blogger" - just look at the top of your page and find small table in the right corner - click and find some additional features. You can set up your own mailbox.... Or to write messages in the Blogger (like this one), add photos or videos, create your own colourful background for Blogger messages. Just think of it :-) Have a nice day.